Teaching for Success, Project-Based Teaching and Cross-Curricular Collaboration is one of the flagship projects for our work in Georgia to support teacher and learner development across the country. To achieve this, we work in partnership with the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports in Georgia and The National Centre for Teachers Professional Development (TPDC). We launched the project in September 2019.
The project supports the development of thematic instructions in teaching required by the newly developed concept-based curriculum to work towards improving general teaching and learning methodology, as well as improving levels of English language teaching and learning.
At the end of the project, English language teachers at state schools will be able to teach with modern high-quality Project Based Learning (PBL) methodology and organise real-life learning around thematic projects in the classroom. Moreover, the project will best equip teachers to be able to collaborate in the ‘integrated curriculum’ alongside their subject teaching colleagues.
The project will also support students to study effectively and acquire 21-century skills, find solutions for real-life problems and communicate effectively, while continually developing both their English and their subject knowledge.
To achieve the desired results and improve their professional competences in delivering effective project-based teaching and cross-curricular collaboration, teachers will be given the opportunity to regularly attend training courses with appropriate methodology, receive advice from professionals and use suitable materials.
Competition for English language teachers
From October 2019 to 31 January 2020 we ran a competition for English language teachers trained in Project-Based Learning (PBL) methodology in 2018–19. Teachers submitted projects implemented in their schools by 31 January 2020.