If you have already registered for the IELTS test with us, join our face-to-face workshops and maximise your IELTS test score.

By the end of the two hour IELTS face-to-face workshop you will:

  • know what to expect when you take the test
  • have a clear overview of different parts of the Academic and General tests
  • be equipped with strategies and tools necessary to maximise your score
  • have identified specific areas you need to focus on
  • feel more confident before the test and know about IELTS support websites.

The workshop begins with a general IELTS test day overview, then focuses on the four parts of the IELTS test: Writing, Reading, Listening and Speaking. This is an intensive workshop that will include the opportunity for you to ask exams related questions and cover topics where you require more support.

Workshop dates, time and location




10 January 2020 18.30–21.00 Training Centre
of Justice of Georgia
24 January 2020 18.30–21.00 Training Centre
of Justice of Georgia
14 February 2020 18.30–21.00 Training Centre
of Justice of Georgia
28 February 2020 18.30–21.00 Training Centre
of Justice of Georgia
13 March 2020 18.30–21.00 Training Centre
of Justice of Georgia
27 March 2020 18.30–21.00 Training Centre 
of Justice of Georgia

How to register

To sign up for the workshop follow these easy steps:

  • Please send us your name and IELTS Reference Number via e-mail. Please indicate your preferred date for the workshop. 

Your reference number is a 15 digit number that starts with GE001 and that you should have receive with your IELTS test confirmation email. 

Please write to us if there is any specific topic you would like us to discuss at the workshop and we will consider it in our programme.

  • Pay the workshop fee – 40 GEL

Payment options:

Option 1: you Pay the workshop fee by bank transfer and submit the payment receipt by email no later than the day after you have registered for the workshop.

Option 2: Pay the fee in cash on the day of the workshop before the session starts.

For bank transfer our bank details are: Bank of Georgia, bank code: BAGAGE22; account: British Council in Georgia; Account number: GE42BG0000000300313800.

In the REFERENCE section of your payment please write: [Reference Number / name / workshop date] e.g. Reference Number / G.Abashidze / 05.10.2019. For any further information please contact us.