
Photo by Veronika Kanantsova

Sunday 12 March 2017
12:30 to 14:30

British Council in Georgia and Candoco Dance Company in partnership with the Marjanishvili State Drama Theatre announce a call for dancers and choreographers interested in contemporary dance and inclusivity in art to participate in the practical workshop led by Candoco.

The workshop details:

Venue:  Marjanishvili Theatre

Address: 8 Marjanishvili Street, Tbilisi

Date of the workshop: Sunday, 12 March 2017

Times: 12:30-14:30

Number of participants is limited to 20; thus the arrangement is first come first serve.

Find the registration form which the applicant for the workshop should fill in and send to tatia.gurgenidze@ge.britishcouncil.org

Deadline for sending the registration form is 6:00pm, Monday, 28 February 2017